Docker basics

1 minute read

Docker Basics

Docker’s networking structure

Docker Image naming convention


  • official image에는 user가 생략된다.


  • FROM (image name)
  • ENV (variable name) (value)
  • WORKDIR (path)
  • RUN (command)
  • EXPOSE (port…)
  • CMD [“command”]

Dockerfile의 기본 네이밍은 Dockerfile

  • 다른 이름으로 만들수도 있다. 다만 실행할 때는 -f 옵션과 함께 사용.

Persistent Data: Bind Mounting

  • Maps a host file or directory to a container file or directory
  • Mounting된 볼륨은 실시간 동기화된다.

Docker Compose

사용하는 이유

  • Configure relationships between containers

Docker Compose는 두가지로 구성된다.

  1. YAML-formatted file that describes our solution options for
    • containers
    • networks
    • volumes
  2. A CLI tool docker-compose used for local dev/test automation with those YAML files.

Docker Compose file naming convention

  • docker-compose.yml is default filename but any can be used with docker-compose -f

Docker Healthchecks

  • HEALTHCHECK is supported in DOckerfile, Compose YAML, docker run, and Swarm Services.
  • It is running inside of our container, so we can healthcheck a container that has not a exposed port.
  • exit 0 (OK)
  • exit 1 (Error)
  • Three container states: starting, healthy, unhealthy

To do Healthcheck

  • need to add option to Dockerfile like:
    • HEALTHCHECK curl -f http://localhost/ || false
HEALTHCHECK --timeout=2s --interval=3s --retries=3 \
  CMD curl -f http://localhost/ || exit 1